You give and you take away, I couldn't help but think of these words this week as I watched one woman mourn over the loss of her child and an other rejoice over the new life of hers. God gives and he takes away. sometimes we don't always understand why he does things the way he does or at the times he does it, but we must remind ourselves continually that God never makes mistakes!
Thursday during clinic hours, I was working away in the pharmacy when I heard screaming and a lot of commotion going on in the entry way! I ran to the door to see what was going on. Noaz and a few "bystanders"were holding a woman down the best that they knew how while the woman was thrashing and fighting with all she got! There was several "patients"(ones that were there for appointments or check ups) that were trying to throw their hand of help in as well .
I then realized that the woman had just lost her seven year old daughter. We don't know exactly to what, but she had come in the night before with a low grade fever and an altered mental status. So we treated her for her fever and kept her over night to watch her closely. The next morning she looked, and was feeling a lot better,so we sent her home. The next morning she returned with the same symptoms only worse! We treated her to the best that we knew how but it was to late and within just a few hours she past away.
James, Noaz, and Daniel took the body and the mother home as soon as possible so we could get the crowd back in order and get back to attending or other patients. If you think of the mother you can lift up a little prayer for her as I can't ever imagine what she is feeling.
Around 8:30 last evening, James,Kayla and I responded to a gate knock with news that our laboring lady that we've were keeping in our hospital room was pretty close to delivery!As we hurried to the clinic and walked into the hospital room we heard the beautiful cry of a healthy new born baby! Praise the Lord for new life!
This was was our delivery team! :) Since we weren't able to make it in time for the actual birth. Those who were staying in our hospital room (" one patient") and family of those who were staying with patients at the time,ended up helping out with the birth!
This young boy came into clinic on Friday with all four of his fingers on his right hand nearly chopped off! The evening before,he was working with a machete when it slipped and got his fingers! Thank the Lord Dr. Phillip from Tennessee was here for the weekend to perform a few surgeries and was able to stitch together a few tendons and muscles before he left the top stitching to James so he could go and began his first surgery for the weekend.
Here he is! All bandaged up! To be honest, we are super excited with the progress we've been seeing with how much he's been able to move and feel all four fingers! Praise the Lord!
I guess I'll bring my blog to a close,but once again I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support in multiple ways. God is good!
Welcome to the Gospel to Haiti Clinic Blog! We are located in the beautiful mountainous terrain of rural southern Haiti, and our clinic serves its small community in many ways. These pictures and comments are about individual people whose lives we have been able to touch in some way. Look through the compassionate eyes of Christ, and pray for them...
Sunday, April 9, 2017
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