Hello everyone!
It's March already, hard to believe! The last couple weeks we've been really busy and it feels a bit like we're running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. 😁 Maybe not that bad but there's been a serious baby boom going on. We've delivered 11 babies so far this month and its the 11th. There were only 2 days without a birth and some sleepless nights. One night, after working with a laboring mom till 3am, we decided to transport her to Ti-Goave. At 7am, when we were almost back home, we met a group carrying a cot in to clinic. The patient was a young man with a burned leg. We went back to the house and had a quick power-nap before starting a new clinic day! The man with the burn is staying here at clinic so we can keep a close eye on him and give him the treatment he needs in a clean involvement to prevent infection.
Last night we got our first full night's sleep in about a week. Even when we're very tired, God gives us the strength we need! He never gives us more than we can handle.
Our hospital room is very full at night. Family members sleep on the tile floor and all the beds are full with patients.
Amidst the chaos, there have been a lot of highlights. One of them is a 9 month old baby who is staying at clinic. We call him our little pumpkin. He weighed 9lb 6oz, couldn't sit and barely had the strength to hold his head. He had a cold and also scabies. The poor little guy kept scratching himself with the little strength that he had. He also cried a lot. Now, after 2 weeks, he's gained over a pound, his face and hands are filling out and he coos and smiles! We adore him and don't know what we'll do without him when he's strong enough to go home.
Also, our new birthing center is getting started! It'll all marked off where it will go and we're so excited! For Trent and the others who are responsible, it takes a lot of planning, work, and faith. There are not yet enough funds to finish it so help with that would be greatly appreciated. Please help us pray that it would all work and and if you feel led, donate to https:/www.paypal.me/gthmission.
Larayne and I planted the garden last week and we've been having rain every day so we don't need to water it. There are lots of thing pushing up through the stony ground. So rewarding.
May we all keep growing in Jesus Christ. He is the water of life. God Bless you all!
Welcome to the Gospel to Haiti Clinic Blog! We are located in the beautiful mountainous terrain of rural southern Haiti, and our clinic serves its small community in many ways. These pictures and comments are about individual people whose lives we have been able to touch in some way. Look through the compassionate eyes of Christ, and pray for them...
Monday, March 15, 2021
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New Website/Blog!
This Blog is being replaced! We're Excited to announce that our new website has launched! The new website has a whole new blog bui...

"Mis Mali....My head hurts, I can hardly sleep at night because my teeth hurt so bad." an old lady tells me as she stuffs more cot...
What to blog about today? I think for this time I'm just going to post a few pictures of a young boy that came in this last Friday even...
"Its twins"...was the verdict of 3 tired nurses as they carefully slid the ultrasound probe over the woman's very pregnant bel...