This chorus really encouraged me this past week! so I wanted to share it with everyone.
Hi guys........Wow!! another month has past in what seems like a blink of an eye! God has granted us another month! And I CAN'T complain! It has been a good one....Perfect amounts of people each day! And Grace where we needed it, What can I say...We serve an awesome God!
A few pics from our last month here at the clinic.......
Here's a picture of Mis Katie doing job a stitch on a horse that come in on Sunday afternoon! I must say, He probably was one of the best stitch jobs in a while as far as corporation! he never flinched!
Doc doing a surgery, And me assisting on a little girls wrist! She had a tumor a little smaller then a golf ball on the top side of her wrist!
on a rock! I ended up putting 10 Stitches in this gash.
Here's a picture after the ten stitches!
Well that's all for this week hope it gives you a little idea of what our last week was like here at the clinic!
Please continue to pray far us as we continue to serve the people of Haiti!
~ James,