What to blog about today? I think for this time I'm just going to post a few pictures of a young boy that came in this last Friday evening. His mom said he stepped on a rock. Poor guy, must have been a sharp one, as you can see!
It was really neat getting to see how thick the skin was on the bottom of his foot! :)
Notice Rho's sterile field in the left of the picture... she's getting ready to start her mending job! :)
She did a great job of cleaning, numbing, and stitching him up!
Sorry I don't have more to write. :)
Things have been really strange around here the last few days without Steve and Shana and the children... Yesterday afternoon Shana came back up here to the mission to pack for their trip back to the States. Now this afternoon just as soon as we finish up a few things (this being one of them:) and do some quick packing, the rest of us here are planning to head down the mountain to join them for the night and then drive back up here again early Thursday morning in time for clinic.
We're so looking forward to spending tonight together again! Not looking forward to saying goodbye to them for now... Thank you all who are praying! We can definitely sense it! Things are changing- too fast, it seems, but we still have peace, trusting that God is orchestrating all these events!
And it's very exciting to see how God is using this to touch individuals here! Please pray especially for Madame Moyiz, the witch doctor... From things she's been saying, she seems to have a new awareness of her state before God and is seeing her need for salvation, but is afraid of potential opposition. God is at work! It's comforting to see that and be assured that He has beautiful purposes for everything He does and allows. We know that ALL things work together for good...
All for now, I need to skidaddle before I get left behind...:)
Welcome to the Gospel to Haiti Clinic Blog! We are located in the beautiful mountainous terrain of rural southern Haiti, and our clinic serves its small community in many ways. These pictures and comments are about individual people whose lives we have been able to touch in some way. Look through the compassionate eyes of Christ, and pray for them...
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New Website/Blog!
This Blog is being replaced! We're Excited to announce that our new website has launched! The new website has a whole new blog bui...

"Mis Mali....My head hurts, I can hardly sleep at night because my teeth hurt so bad." an old lady tells me as she stuffs more cot...
What to blog about today? I think for this time I'm just going to post a few pictures of a young boy that came in this last Friday even...
"Its twins"...was the verdict of 3 tired nurses as they carefully slid the ultrasound probe over the woman's very pregnant bel...
You said that Steve's are coming to the states, but I was wondering how he is doing? Did he have a heart attack? Thanks I enjoy your posts! Keep looking up, Tina
I Love You Whit & I'm Behind You All The Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew it. As soon as I saw this sentence:
"It was really neat getting to see how thick the skin was on the bottom of his foot!"
I told myself, "That's Mice - it has to be!". Do I know you, or do I know you? ;)
I knew it. As soon as I saw this sentence:
"It was really neat getting to see how thick the skin was on the bottom of his foot!"
I told myself, "That's Mice - it has to be!". Do I know you, or do I know you? ;)
Yeah I Agree With Arnie!
We Know its your favorite Subject!
We Miss You & Love You
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