Friday, October 12, 2012

SATs are Looking Good

On Wed evening we had a young mother come to the clinic in labor.  She was 20 years old, and it was her first baby.  We always keep more on the alert for a first time mom.  In some cases there would be complications and we would need to take them out for more advanced care.  Things looked good for Cathie except that her blood pressure was a little high, but we were able to treat it.  She seemed to be progressing well.  

Labor slacked off over night, but we continued to monitor her.  By Thurs afternoon things weren't really progressing anymore so we decided to intervene with oxytocin.  Labor still progressed fairly slowly.  Toward the end baby's heart tones were slower so we were concerned about the baby being in distress.  By 9:10 pm Thurs, the baby was finally born.  It was a whopping baby boy of 8 lbs 9 ozs.  That's big for a Haitian baby and especially a first time mom.  

Once he was born he only gasped for breath a few times, but didn't start breathing.  We right away started stimulating but to no avail so we quickly moved to the next stage--breaths with oxygen.  Before too long he was attempting more breaths on his own.  Thankfully he had a strong heart beat so we didn't need to do compression too.  I did use the suction and suctioned down pretty deep which seemed to help.  After he was breathing well on his own, we kept him on blow-by oxygen still for a while.  

Here is was finally off the oxygen and holding his own well with oxygen saturation of 95!

Mis Virginia, Mis Rhoda, and Mis Anita with baby!

For those of you who know Fre Adolph who works at the clinic this is his first grandchild.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I noticed you don't get very many comments so I thought I'd tell you that we do follow you're blog and the whole family enjoys it.Keep working for the lord and keep posting about it! :)

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