Welcome to the Gospel to Haiti Clinic Blog! We are located in the beautiful mountainous terrain of rural southern Haiti, and our clinic serves its small community in many ways. These pictures and comments are about individual people whose lives we have been able to touch in some way. Look through the compassionate eyes of Christ, and pray for them...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Jacqueline--Amazing--before and after
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Another baby!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
God saw fit to extend His hand of mercy again!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Happy patient
Monak who has been coming for treatment for his hand is doing much better. We kept him in the hospital from Tues till Sat last week. Now he is to be coming back everyday for treatment--antibiotic and bandaging. It's amazing how quickly a small wound can turn into a nasty infection and how with some effort it can start to heal nicely!
A precious bundle. . .
Yesterday afternoon we had a guy come in who had been involved in a fight and wasn't totally responsive. I put an IV in and monitored him. Then when a vehicle went out to T-Goave today we sent him out. He didn't have any major wounds, but there was something deeper going on.
This afternoon I was hoping to get my laundry finished and just relax a bit. I walked into my house and was just about ready to lay down for a bit thinking to myself that I sure hoped I wouldn't get a clinic call. Just about then the call came that there was a lady in labor at the clinic. I breathed a prayer telling God that I didn't have what it took and got ready to head down and check things out. God was again faithful to give me the strength. What an amazing God we serve!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
More than just the sick and wounded
Friday, July 1, 2011
From the nurse. . .
This little girl was one of the people I saw today. She had a really nasty skin infection. You can't really see it in the pic, but her ear was just covered in soars.
The other day Thea and I just spent some time on the porch with our friends Selma and Tislen. We put a puzzle together. They thought it was the neatest thing. It was a new thing to them! We had fun!
New Website/Blog!
This Blog is being replaced! We're Excited to announce that our new website has launched! The new website has a whole new blog bui...

"Mis Mali....My head hurts, I can hardly sleep at night because my teeth hurt so bad." an old lady tells me as she stuffs more cot...
What to blog about today? I think for this time I'm just going to post a few pictures of a young boy that came in this last Friday even...
"Its twins"...was the verdict of 3 tired nurses as they carefully slid the ultrasound probe over the woman's very pregnant bel...