It feels so good to have a quiet relaxing Saturday! I'm laying here in a hammock in the gazebo enjoying the nice breeze and reminiscing over the last 2 weeks. There's something about a breeze/wind that is so relaxing... it always makes me think about God's voice... sometimes loud and sometimes in a whisper then sometimes it feels like he's not there at all because you don't hear or feel anything. But that's where faith comes in and you believe that God is still there!
The last 2 weeks have been... fun, exciting, thrilling, sad, exhilarating, exhausting and amazing! I'll start with the fun and exciting:)
Some of my family came to visit me and my brother (James)... I was extremely excited about this visit because I hadn't seen them since I came to Haiti in November 2019. It's always so refreshing to have friends and family come and visit. They did an amazing job of helping with the work around the mission like house cleaning, pressure washing, tearing down the old cook shack, and just "being around" and "being themselves"!

=Bassin Bleu=
On Saturday we decided to make a trip to Bassin Bleu. We left early in the morning and arrived around lunch time. The ride was less than enjoyable for me as I get car sick! We hiked down a little foot path for about 20 min. Bassin Bleu is a beautiful place... there are 2 huge pools of water and a beautiful water falls. We spent hours enjoying the nice cool water, resting, eating and watching the guys jump off of the rocks into the water.

One Tuesday we decided the make a quick trip to the beach... thankfully clinic was small so we could get our work done and head out. It was such a relaxing fun day! Good food, snorkeling, clear skies, hot sun, good laughs and then on the way home machine problems out in the middle of no where... thankfully the guys got it fixed with out any problems or it wouldn't have been fun!

My sister Lydia had some friends here in Haiti that she wanted to visit. So one afternoon we hiked up to Jean Wilner and Selma. It started pouring down rain about 5 min out the trail which made for a very interesting hike!
Then the sad and exhausting...
We have been having quite a few births, most of them have gone well. But one birth especially was difficult... A mom came in 29 weeks pregnant with contractions... after observing her and doing a urine test I saw she had an infection. We treated her for the infection and decided to keep and observe her for any further change. I went home to grab a bite to eat and rest a bit. About an hour and half later a knock came at the gate, a nurse is needed at clinic. When I arrived at the clinic I was surprised see the the mom feeling pushy and at 7 cm dilated! We quickly discussed our options and decided there was no time to go to another hospital and we quickly prepared for the birth of a premature baby. 10 min later a pink wiggling tiny girl made her appearance! She did very well the first 2 min the started going backwards fast. once she was wrapped in a heating pad and put on oxygen things looked better and after discussing the situation and talking with the parents we decided to transport to a hospital with a NICU. She made it to the hospital, but was not in good shape... they did everything they could, but the next morning we got the news that she went to be with Jesus.

I'm so thankful for Gods continual presence and guidance. He is so faithful!
Please continue to pray for us...
~ Mis Masi