"Clinic Staff"
I thought i'd introduce you to our staff here at clinic! I know its been done over the years but staff members change frequently, especially us whites!
So here we are...
This is Kadet and Frè Daniel. If you would come into clinic in the morning they are the first clinic staff you would meet. Daniel and Kadet take turns switching off working at the hand washing station and inside the front clinic door, helping with crowd control, calling people in for their rendezvouz and anything else that needs to be done. They both come faithfully every morning at 7:30 and are the first ones at clinic in the morning.
Frè Dereck sits inside a window giving people numbers as they come in. He takes their hospital card, writes down their info and collects the money. This man we all call our papa.. he has a heart of gold and adopted us all for his children!
Frè Dolph calls in the patients, and weighs them, they then sit on the bench and wait to have their vitals checked.
Reynold is our young energetic, alway on time, always cheerful worker! He and his little family live 2hrs walking distance from the clinic. He once told me that if he is running late he runs to clinic and can make it in an hour and 45 min!!!!
He also works in the front room... finds the dossiers for Dolph, checks vitals, and writes it on the dossier, he also keeps his eyes open for anyone that comes in with high blood pressure or other maladi (sickness) that needs to be seen to ASAP.
Frè Noez is our "tonton" (uncle) he makes us laugh until the tears roll! I'm not really exactly sure what to tell you his job description is... he is pretty much every where helping with crowd control,whenever we have a situation where we need prayer we call him, when there's a situation where strict instruction is needed or encouragement he is there reinforcing what ever we say, he has a heart of compassion and love for his people and takes to time to sit down with patients and really find out what they need.

Doctor Evans is a doctor from T-guave he comes to our clinic every Friday to do consultations. He often has rendezvvouz with people that he follows and we also keep certain situations for him to see. He keeps us all laughing with his big jokes!
Doctor Jacques has been here since June. She has been an extreme blessing to the clinic here. It's so nice to have a doctor here every day and not just on Fridays (Dr Evans comes fridays).
Mis Leda has been a faithful worker here for many years. she does "tons" of consultations every day. Since she's been here the longest and since Emma has left us she is my go to nurse when I have questions.
Mis Simose is our skinny nurse! She's a sweet and willing worker. She also does A LOT of consultations every day.
Mis Junille just started working a week ago. She came to fill the spot of one of our other nurses that isnt working anymore.
This is me! Im a Certified Professional midwife and work in the prental program we have. I see approx 5-10 pregnant moms a day. I also am the midwife for the moms that come here in labor. We have approximately 10 births here a month. I love my job/work here!
Daniella works in the milk and malnutrition program. She also helps me in the prenatal program, blood pressure program, helps with bandage patients and anything else that comes in. She is a huge blessing in helping out with difficult situations where there is spiritual things going on with the patient as she understands the language amd culture here in ways that we don't.
James works in the blood pressure program. He sees about 15 patients a day... I often hear him and his patients laughing and joking! Alot of his patients are little old grannys. Even though he has to be hard on them sometimes to not eat certain food or drink coffee, they love him!
Brendon... I had taken this pic before he left and I was planning on having this blog written by now, but anyway I'm going to stick it in. He isn't here anymore but left a huge spot... we don't have a replacement yet and are praying that God would send us someone! He was in charge of the bandage patients and helped with alot of other things too. We miss you ALOT Brendon.
These are our Pharmacists...Micky Smith, Zitha and Teres I can't say enough about them! I often walk into the pharmacy and they have piles of prescriptions to fill out, I ask them how its going, they just laugh and say "Good"! Micky does an amazing job dividing out meds for each day. It can be extremely stressful and frustrating because often times we run put of meds for the day and she has to figure something out... either giving prescriptions to go to another hospital or digging into her next days supply.
Madam Daniel and Sè Rose are our cleaning and Laundry ladies. We call both of them "Mama"!
Patrick cuts our gauze.
God bless you all! Please keep us in your prayers, Mis Marcile