“If God Wants/Wills.”
This phrase is heard often throughout the day in our little clinic.
It is a facet of Haitian culture that can become very commonplace to
those of us that work here.... but it is one I never want to forget,
even when I return to the hustle and bustle of American life some
day. As I give out rendezvous for people to return in a week, 2
weeks, or a month, for their check-ups... a very common phrase at the
end of stating their tentative return date, is “si Bondye vle”.
If I forget to say it, the patient will often say it for me. It
doesn't really matter if the person is a Christian or not, they will
say this. I'm not sure how much they think about what it means, as it
is such a habit in the Haitian culture. But as Christians, this can
actually have significant meaning for our lives. Such a simple
phrase... if God wills. Yet, this is so much the reality, especially
in Haiti. We make plans for our lives, but hold them loosely, knowing
that ultimately it is God, Who is in control of our lives and the
details of them. Here, when things don't always go right, or as
planned, we often have to be especially flexible....we DON'T always
do what we planned to. Some days, one unforeseen problem arises after
another, and it's easy to be frustrated, or stressed. But if we can
just rest, and trust in God's constant care and faithfulness....and
allow our hearts to truly accept what God wills for each day,
and learn the lessons of patience and whatever else He needs to teach
us... this brings peace. So that's just a recent random lesson I have
been thinking about, for whatever it's worth. =)
Things continue to go well
here, despite bumps and bruises along the way. OK there actually
really haven't been many of those last items. =) In September things
picked up at clinic and we had some bigger days with over 100
patients. One of the Haitian nurses was off for 2 weeks of vacation,
and our American pharmacist (Autumn) is in the States currently for
health reasons, so it left the rest of us working longer days at
times to get things done. But overall it really has gone very
smoothly and we can't complain. We often have one or two or more
people staying in our hospital room, with more serious illnesses.
Lately there have been a lot of people coming in with flu-like
symptoms.... coughs and colds. A few moments in different recent days
I have stopped in the middle of writing a chart and just listened....
to the chorus of crying, coughing, howling children out in our
waiting areas. Some days it can make a person feel like groaning when
about 5 or 6 of them are going at it at once, but we always make it
through, and even with our hearing and sanity intact (ok that's
questionable, but nevermind!).
I'll just go ahead and
confess it... this blog post was partially written ever since
September when I was on the schedule to post and didn't. Y'all can
come lodge your complaints in person with the customer service
department here...that way I get to see you. =) So by now, most of
October has already rolled past and it's hard to believe we're
nearing the month of November. Currently Kayla, our head nurse, is in
the States for a furlough. That leaves James and Katie and I here for
clinic, at the moment. The month of November will bring more staff
changes as James and Katie leave at the end of their term, and more
new staff join us. We know that God will be faithful to supply our
needs, just as He's done before....He's been so good.
Here are a few pics from
the last number of weeks...
We have had a regular
stream of births the last while, which supplies us with...cute babies
to hold! ;-) Often there are moments in births where I breathe a
prayer... and kinda hold my breath each time, waiting to hear the
brand new baby cry. And when it does.... I always have to thank God.
Every single safe birth and new life is a miracle straight from Him.

This is a very real life
moment from clinic. Katie does a superb job at dealing with the many
impatient blood pressure patients who attempt to barge through our
door immediately after prayer every morning at clinic. They all think
they need to sit on the first chair, or at least ahead of the person
who came in just in front of them...they literally push and shove and
sit on each other at times, in order to get ahead in line. This one
dear lady did not one to listen to Katie's directions one morning and
began to give a long and dramatic explanation of why she couldn't
listen to what Katie was telling her to do. Dear Katie patiently
listened and dealt with the sweet but impatient little lady... and I
couldn't help but grin at the little lady's sincerity in her
imploring, and Katie's abundant patience in spite of being a little
frustrated....she couldn't help but laugh too, by the end of it. The
lady was so cute and was pleading her cause so valiantly! =)

One morning I had a little
visitor helping me with prenatal appointments. =)
Mis Kayla, seeing one of
her many patients.
Dr. Katie was seeing blood
pressure patients one day. (OK she just borrowed the Dr.'s coat. ;))
One day when one of our
cleaning ladies didn't show up to help clean the clinic in the
afternoon, Reynald and Kadet decided to pitch in and help sweep the
floor. They did a good job, and had fun doing it. =)
One morning we
accidentally matched in gray scrub tops, so we had to take a picture!
=) This is Katie and I with Madame Leger, one of our Haitian

There are a few things you
can specifically pray for here right now. One is the road and machine
situation. There is a spot on the trail between us and Ti-Guave (the
nearest town) that is nearly impassable with our machines. It has
been too narrow to pass with a Land Cruiser or truck for the past
several weeks due to rain and some other circumstances. Thankfully we
have still been able to get out with our smaller machines/UTVs, to
take out critical patients when needed. But the road is getting worse
and we may soon not be able to get through with even our smaller
machines. So please pray that the road will soon get fixed, and that
we won't have any emergencies that have to go out if it becomes
impassable. Also, one of our machines was wrecked in an accident
recently, so until we can get another one to replace it, you can just
pray that we don't get any critical patients that have to go out. =)
Another prayer request is just a reminder I guess, to pray that we
can show the love and spirit of Christ in the darkness around us
here. It has felt especially dark at times recently, as someone has
broken into clinic multiple times at night, not taking anything
significant, but clearly looking for money. There was also a separate
robbery at the mission compound as well. Sometimes it can feel
discouraging when we pour our all into helping and loving the people
here, and then they turn around and steal things and break in. People
need Jesus. And so do we.... to consistently have love, patience,
grace, and forgiveness in our hearts for these people...every day,
every time the gate rings out with a knock for the 20th
time in the same afternoon, every time we're so tired but heading to
clinic at 3am to check on a lady in labor or other patient, again.
All I can say is that the grace of God has also been abundant, and
though we've been busy, there has been plenty of strength and wisdom
from above for every need, and we're safe and blessed through each
and every demanding day and situation.
Thanks for praying...and
for your patience with our unfaithful blogging. =) Please keep
praying for us even if we don't always post when we should! ;-) God
bless you all richly, as you serve and share His love wherever you
-Mis Sharon