Left to right: Father, 12 year-old brother, mother, assistant holding baby.
This is the second of 2 births this week at clinic. In this picture they are almost ready to head for home. This lady came in around 6:30 or so in the morning. When we went down a little before clinic time, we decided we should stay. We hadn't eaten breakfast yet so Shana graciously sent us plates. We went into the adjoining room for a few minutes and ate really fast! After the other birth this week being traumatic, I felt a little traumatized already. I noticed pretty early on that we were again dealing with meconium staining--not a good sign. At one point, she was feeling pretty weary, and I told her that with God she could do it. She asked me to pray with her so I had a short prayer in Creole, sang a little, and prayed in English too. I didn't know if she was a Christian or not. Then for a while things just weren't moving along. I was again a bit worried. Clinic was about over by now, and Mis Leida poked her head in. She said she thought she might need to go out. That discouraged me because I wasn't sure that was necessary, but the people had heard her say it. Needless to say when I saw progress not too long after that I was glad. The baby was born, but didn't breathe or cry right way. I almost thought we had lost it, but praise God, He was faithful again. It was a healthy big boy--8 lbs 14 oz. The mother and father were so happy. The mother told me that she remembered how I had prayed with her. I asked her if she was a Christian, and she said not yet. She seemed to have some interest. I told her I'd pray for her. Most people just go on their way in a routine fashion, but this family was so happy and so grateful. The 12 year old brother held the baby and seemed pleased. The father could hardly stop smiling. It was special to be able to witness to them and see them so happy and thankful. About 1 1/2 hours after the birth, they were all ready to walk home!